Wow. Sunday night already. Seems like a lot has happened in the last 24 hours. Making lots of house progress, very slowly, and Simon slowly starting to feel better from his ear/throat infection. Mr. Crabby Pants for almost 3 days had a very hard time with his first real illness. Yikes! HOPING and praying he perks up and the crabbies go away by tomorrow! :)
Yesterday morning was 15 days post first chemo and sitting in my recliner having my morning tea, I ran my hand through the back of my hair and had a handful of strays. Not the normal 10 -20 strands, but enough to build a little bird house. Soooo, made an appt. with hair salon to get a buzz cut. Very personal decision I think for each woman. For me I couldn't bear the thought of watching it slowly get thinner and thinner etc... long blond hair has always been my "thing" , my look I suppose. My sister, Shelly, of course, took me, and I had Simon and his daddy follow. I wanted Simon to see mama getting her buzz cut like his big brothers do vs, me doing it and him having the shock of seeing mama without hair! So my hair is cut, the stylist left me a little longer on top with some tiny bangs to play with. And its ugly. lol Or so I really think. Every time I look in mirror I cringe but then I remind myself that I don't have to get used to this new look because reality is, it's going to fall out and there will be none in a couple of weeks. And Shelly has gotten me the most amazing cute hats that are really comfy! I also had 2 wigs trimmed to wear with bangs if I chose that route. But with the heat and had itchys and soreness I'm thinking those wigs may stay on the shelf till fall! My face is slowly healing up too. Thank goodness! The rashy nasty acne looking thing (they think from an herbal sleep aid I tried) was creating it and its slowly improving too.
Also, I think a week ago was supposed to be period week, (I never keep track) never came. That's completely normal they say for it to stop during chemo. Yay! lol I don't mind that side effect. I'm hoping with the hair loss I get the perk of no leg shaving soon. Its ONLY fair if I'm bald headed that my legs are too. That's the rules! lol
Last night I felt really good. Simon did not. He was a BEAR. Yikes! His big sister came over and we headed to our club for a little bit and saw some friends and relaxed. It was so very well needed. I "almost" felt normal for an hour or so. Came home, tucked baby in and went to sleep. A good night overall.
Woke up today feeling pretty good too. Mr. Crabby Pants did not lol. Day went pretty good, even made it to mom's to float in the pool awhile! Ate a little too! Alas it didn't last all day. Started getting woozy, and that yucky feeling and total exhaustion and had to come home. But it was all good while it lasted! AND Shelly got my 2 more hats!! Love getting presents!
Tomorrow starts the new week. Lots of progress going on this week in the house. Lotsa of cleaning and clearing out! And Thursday new chemo.....
Oh yea, mom brought me over some home made perogies too from our local Cruiza palooza downtown!! YUMMY! I ate 2 and they stayed down!
Off for the night. Sleep well, sweet dreams, until tomorrow...good night!!! God bless!
Let me know if you need anything :)