...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday 5 am wake up.

Wow, people really function at this hour? I'm not a happy morning person. Up and waiting on meds to kick in. Got all cozy and set up in my recliner with my tea to watch the morning news and check emails and was looking forward to couple hours of relax free time. Simon pops his head around the corner with a big smile at 5:30 saying, good morning mama!  :) Can't resist that little smiling face! BUT a normal day is between 7:30 and 8:30!  He is better than medication though for pain. When he snuggles in with me and looks up with those big blue eyes and tells me his morning plans! So we are both wide awake and settling in for the morning. Pain has subsided a bit, and I think I may be ok today, if I don't do anything. so that's the plan. Try and stay as comfortable as possible. God bless everyone and have a great day!

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