Up early, and having my tea and already took the meds. Waiting for them to kick in. I went to bed without taking a pain pill, so its a bit rough this morning. Slept fairly well, except when the little guy woke up once. He's in a lot of pain. His one ear infection improved tremendously but his throat is very raw and sore. :/ Seems only ice water or very cold gater ade is all he is able to swallow. It's day 4 for his antibiotic so I'm hoping he feels better today when he gets up. This is his first real sickness, and he is NOT a happy little person! :) good news though, is if his antibiotic doesn't start to work today we have a stronger one we can go and get filled. He's never been on any so we were hoping the lighter one would work! Praying he feels a little better today.
As for me, I feel, as well as can be expected I suppose. Still a lot of weakness, and soreness. I'm wondering if I have a small case of viral infection with this little one being sick all week that may be trying to weasel in on my weakened immune system. There hasn't been a day since chemo, July 7th, that I've actually felt very good. There have been some days more tolerable than others, but never an all over good feeling day. I'm hoping and praying new chemo treatment improves this. I'm hoping that a weekly treatment gives me some good along with the bad, even if its short lived each week! I just want a day or two every week of feeling well.
Still working on my bathroom fund goal! That's been keeping me busy! And I've been able to clean out the house a little with selling off the belongings that haven't been used in years! I've also had some donations from mom to add to my pile and things are slowly adding up! I'm getting there! I can't wait to have a new tub and shower surround and fill it up and soak! It's been a few years and I just keep my eye on the goal! I think I'm well over 200 so far! I just want a very basic bath tub but the surround may be a little more than the lowest price one. I'd like to get one that is all in one piece vs one that has seams! Purely for lazy reasons of cleaning it! lol No seams, less areas to catch dirt or mold! ;) Not sure if I wrote why I needed the tub, but long story short is that my current tub is a broken spa tub that the lines don't flow thru cuz of broken motor a couple years back. I can't fill that tub and sit in it safely, not knowing what bacteria may be lurking in the lines. Chemo really lowers your white cells amongst many other things and I am very vulnerable to any tiny infection. Chemo patients must be EXTRA cautious on every little thing or you get time spent in ICU! And there will be none of that!! lol
I need my family and home and children around me to keep up my spirits. Along with prayer and god's help I can get through this. One day at a time. It's a slow process and tests your patience to that absolute limit some days, but I will conquer it! hey, I still have my hair too! It's day 15! I was told its pretty standard for it to be around 14 days from chemo start, so lets see how accurate that is!
Off to watch the news, and catch up on the social world via facebook. The house is asleep, except me. It's very peaceful. <3 God Bless!
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