...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday night, Mom's birthday.

Figured I touch base here on occasion. :0)  Pretty good weekend. Pain was kept manageable, and the nausea. Nice Friday night with my brother, Saturday an early birthday celebration that I was able to make it out till 1030 or so too! Spent today at the pool with my family for Mom's birthday! Now it's crash time! I have them coated in Aveeno skin relief and covered in soft socks! Hoping for a good sleep here later since it seems like we ran all weekend! I guess its inevitable!

Off to relax! God Bless!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Missing my old blog :/ lol been with me from the beginning!

Still hanging in there. ;)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Tsunamis and Rainbows continues on with privacy settings.

Tsunamis And Rainbows is now moved to a private Face Book page. If you are interested in continuing to read it please send friend request :) 

Monday. :) Happy day.

Start of a new week. Unfortunately blog has been compromised and I no longer feel able to vent my feelings here. Someone reads and feels need to make comments and such on other sites. So until I find a way to block I'm gonna keep my feelings to myself. :)

No worries. I'm pretty resourceful. Made it through the weekend. And that crummy hospital stay. Only 9 weeks of chemo to go!!

God Bless! <3

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday night.


Stressssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, how to eliminate it, or jump off the bridge! 


Simon is off to church. Feels like I slept hours last night trying to catch up! Woke up this morning feeling not to bad :) . Quite jet lagged with no appetite, but oh so happy to be home. Just that one night in hospital, makes one appreciate their own surroundings a lot more. Good to be home.

No plans Sunday. Headed to shower. Not moving real fast but really no need. Today I want to enjoy the day and relax, on the deck and enjoy this gorgeous day. Still a bit chilly at 56 but supposed to warm up to a nice comfy 72. lol That means low blood count girl will be sporting some sweats again today but I will take it!

Hoping for an uneventful week, except for chemo Thursday. :) No more hospitals or Enjoy this beautiful day that the lord has given us!

God Bless!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rain clouds.

Felt pretty good yesterday before chemo. But had some trouble afterwards. Leaving there I noticed a real sense of weakness and heaviness in my legs and chest sqeezing sensation in the middle of my chest. But figured it is related to the benedryl dragging that I get after chemo. Usually improve as the day goes on once I am home. It didn't yesterday. So I knew it was something to get checked. They had warned me the one chemo drug is hard on you heart and they had ordered a base line MUGA test before starting the drug so as to have something to compare changes to while taking it.

Last night in the E.R. they just did and EKG and some blood work.  I didn't hear anything negative from those, But oncology doctor wanted me to stay the night for observation and have a cardiologist do an ecko on me before letting me go home. So this morning I will get that test, I also slept with something attached to my chest all night that reads the whole time. The squeezing eems to have lessoned quite a bit. And even yesterday I had this horrendous struggle to keep eyes open or move legs but wasn't tired, and didn't feel the sickness or nausea that I've had for so long. I actually felt good other than the 2 new things. Now so far this am not bad at all. Did need Zofran iv for a little belly rolling but figured I'd nip it early. :)

Hoping for some good news from doctor and released today. All in all feeling pretty good. Just crossing fingers my heart checks out alright. I KNEW I should have worked harder at that 4 to 6 oz of red wine they say that is GREAT for your heart! lol

Happy Day to all, and God Bless!!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

TGIF...Friday! Finally!

Cheers to the weekend. Yesterday I started to feel good off and on. :) Better than I have in days, well I guess more like weeks! This week though, when I think about it, I've managed to eat also, very small portions but more often. Way better than the previous two weeks. Still trying to watch my water intake, which is kinda of crazy, I should just ask for my blood work today I had my appointment yesterday with doctor and voiced some of my concerns and also got the all clear for chemo this morning. I'm anxious to keep moving with it, each delay, tacks onto the end. As of right now chemo will be completed mid October. Yay!

After doctor's I took Simon to the park. I managed to get him down for an early nap so he could go with me. He ran around the park and just watching him was uplifting! Hadn't felt well enough all summer to take him. We managed an hour and a half then had to come home. I still tire so easily. Hey, he got his nap in early, but that ment I missed mine! lol But over all a pretty good day. :)

Off to shower soon and mom will be picking me up for chemo. Shelly is in Atlanta on DIY blog stuff. :/ I can't think about it, or I tear up. I like her home and close! Mom and I will manage. :)  Big brother Kaleb is watching Simon this morning again. <3

Have a fabulous Friday! We are! God Bless!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chemo delayed.

Oncology called yesterday and my doctor was off  and will not be in this morning, so chemo is on hold till I can see her and get the ok for it. They had just gotten my pathology on the MRSA. They scheduled me for 1:45 today. Right at naptime. :) Once she clears me, more than likely they said I will be scheduled for Friday morning.

Wondering how long chemo drugs stay in your system after you've finished. Having last weeks put on hold I thought I'd be dancing in joy and happiness feeling good this week. lol Maybe its the MRSA. I guess I've actually only had 2 full days and one that first night of new correct drug for it. I DID read on other peoples blogs, chemo patients, that had gotten MRSA, have a difficult time with repeat infections with it, one poor lady had it 11 times! YIKES! BUT, I also read one recommendation of swabbing your nose daily with Neosporin or Bacitracin makes a HUGE difference. That is DEFINATLY on my list to ask doctor and supply up on!!!  :) New goal is to get rid of this and keep it from returning. I now wipe the toilet seat with Lysol wipes every time after I use it to keep anyone else in this house from getting it. Made me think about the cancer center where I get my chemo. There are no wipes in there bathroom and no toilet seat covers. And no doctor had warned me of this possibility. I wonder how many patients in there may have it and are too embarrassed to ask the doctor about it. hmmm I believe I've been carrying this from first round of chemo almost 2 mths when I told her about it after first chemo and SHOWED her it and she gave me wrong meds.  :/  I have am not one to be embarrassed to mention something if it's making me sick but others may be.

Ahh live and learn. :) Focus on keeping healthy and making certain changes. Off to start my day! I plan to make it a good one! God Bless!