Chemo day was spent in bed and back and forth to recliner. Sleeping off and on to avoid the pains. Not sure why today is bad, there was nothing different, and AGAIN my counts were good holding their own and I still haven't needed the Nuegen or Neulata shot. Just a whole day of hurting and hot and cold and very sick feeling. Lucked out that Kaleb took care of Simon this morning and Zac was here all afternoon so I was able to close my eyes off and on all day. REALLY hoping tomorrow brings some relief.
Trying a new med this eve Adavan? Instead of the Xanax, to see if it will help me sleep. And laying off the Zofran a day or so for nausea to see if the i.v. long acting does anything and it relieves my daily headaches from a possible doubling up? I was taking both because a nurse told me to take them every 6 hours and not wait to feel sick, then another nurse told me to hold off on them a day or so and see if it helps without giving head ache. Confused. Just do as I am told I guess.
Back to lay down. Tomorrow is FRIDAY. I think it's illegal to be sick on FRIDAYS. :) If I feel this bad though, I may pack a bag and go to my sisters and lay around over there a night. I need some healing time. Too hard to do here. If I see something needs done I have to step in, or if there's an argument I have to intervene. So if it's this bad , I need to remove myself from the area, as anyone who knows me, KNOWS, I am unable to let thing slide that need done, or stay quiet if something needs said. :)
BUT it won't come to that. I WILL feel better tomorrow. Right? Have a great night. TGIF soon and God bless!
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