...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday. Work week catching up to me!

It's Wed. but more like a Friday with the holiday tomorrow. :) Although, this Friday isn't a whole lot of excitement for me, anyhow, as it is chemo day. It got moved a day forward due to the 4th of July Holiday. Summer is slipping way so quickly! I feel like the last month and a half has been a whirlwind and blur!

For some reason, this year when the weather broke and I received my diagnosis, I had this urge to finish projects and clean out and clear areas of my home that had been neglected for many years. It must be some type of psychological thing. I'm really not sure. Yesterday, I started out not feeling so well, then mid day had a boost of energy that carried into the evening a bit, before a huge crash sent  me to bed at 5:00. Then after 2 hours there I felt the need to push myself again and finish the toy section sorting I had started.  So far in the past 3 weeks. I've completed, and sorted and cleared out a computer room that looked like an episode of hoarders (for past 3 years) with the help, very little, from my boyfriend, and it is looking much better. Then the bathroom, had a new tub, shower surround, flooring, and light fixture, along with some much needed plumbing update on sink and tub fixed, (friend Tony) did all that, and my two older boys did the demolition in there before hand. Success there! The living room was another project, Hoarders corners, in each section, that had to be sorted and donation piles, garbage, and keep piles. All 4 corners! I have 3 completed as of yesterday, and one to go!  I still have a pile sitting there. to go to donation and a big pile outside my door to be hauled away by garbage truck, its a bathtub and demo pile with tile etc. :/ first estimate was $90. But that seems to steep. I will look around for someone less pricey. And I got my 2 new screen doors replaced!  BEAUTIFUL!  Brian bought the doors and Tony installed them. This has been a real eye opener this past 3 weeks with my projects and the lack of help from household. Very sad actually. But that's a whole different story. I am VERY proud of myself for what I have accomplished and the things I was able to achieve with the little help from boyfriend and kids and the BIG help from Tony with  our barter system! :) I'm most disappointed though in my household that watched me struggle so hard to sort and clear out while "observing" from a distance. I'd hoped for some extra help once the saw me struggle. Well, enough, of that complaining! I did it!! I figured it out and I will continue to do so. It makes me feel GREAT knowing that I used my brain and resources to accomplish as much as I have!

Today, I have to slow it down some though, I need to remind myself that my body needs rest and a break from it all to catch up and remain as healthy as possible before Friday. So today once Simon is off to swimming lessons with grammy, I will run vacuum and try and relax with a bubble bath. Only thing on my mind today is to research a garbage pick  up more affordable and maybe find someone willing to take a small donation load of toys etc to drop off somewhere. :) But over all, I know I need to put my clearing out sorting to a halt for a few days.  I only have one corner left in living room to go! Kitchen needs sorted eventually, and my bedroom clothing and Simons need a good sorting also. But that stuff will wait another week until I can muster up enough energy. I don't want my bloodwork this Friday coming in too low and need to have that extra shot that increases my white counts but puts me down to almost bed rest. :/

Go me! lol Till later....may everyone have a great day and god bless!!

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