...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


What was I thinking!>!>! lol I don't do caffeine much am a huge water drinker. And was feeling ill all evening so couldn't go along with baby to see free bird show in park and go eat, so I stayed home and sat on swing and had a little deck fire going with my girls to keep my mind occupied. MEANWHILE couldn't eat all day and drank a pepsi and then half a latte....not being a caffeine girl now Im WIDE awake!!!  Dumb dumb dumb! lol  And we all know a 3yr old isn't going to sleep in! lol

Must use my head before making later night caffeine decisions!

On a lighter note, I FINALLY quit grabbing my head bands to push bangs off face to wash makeup off at bed time. LOL Brain finally kicked in and now more aware that my bald head doesn't need headband for face washing. :)

But I do still toss my head on pillow to sleep and to make my long blond hair not tangle around my head every night, which is rather funny since there isn't a hair to be tangled on it! BUT at least they made pigtails to donate it for others <3 before the shave. Relieved with the shave as my hair only was gone completely on top and front. Way not cute having side hair and back of head hair with the rest as smooth as baby's bottom! lol

Hoping for a better tomorrow. God bless, may your Fridays all be a great one! <3

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