...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday, testing day!

Day started out ok. Wasn't feeling too great but a small improvement. Then I over did. :) As usual.
Took meds and had my tea, thinking it would be easy morning with shower and get ready for ultrasound appointment with mom and Shelly. Brian's mom coming to watch baby so I thought we'd go to appt and maybe lunch afterwards if I were able to eat. But reality is with a 3 yr old there is no rest.

Had my tea and he was up bright and early, 6am I think! So made him his breakfast and got him dressed, then made beds. Cleaned up some toys from night before with him, and glanced at the kitchen mess. :/  Knowing Liz was coming I didn't want to leave a sticky stove and countertops and sink full of dirty dishes, I went and cleaned all that up before collapsing into chair. Body just has no energy still and that horrible sickly feeling and chills and sweats driving me nuts! Mustered up enough energy for a quick shower and dressed and flopped back in the chair. Exhausted now and thinking NO chance of eating lunch again. Just too nausea. I can barely move. Love to climb back into bed and close eyes again. Although when I do, its not sleep, but it keeps the head from spinning and hurting. BLAH. Maybe as the day progresses and more antibiotic starts working I will feel better. Surely! :)

Ate a little salad last night. Need to work on the appetite. Nurse said I weighed in at 103. I was 128 at Christmas and wanted to be 120. What a waste of time that was. lol I think I can maintain a healthier weight if I make a list of things that are ready made and handy as I tend to be more lazy than anything. Increasing my food intake should add to energy level too, I'd hope. Will work on it. ;) Need to, to keep up with Simon.

Well, off to close eyes for 20 min till Liz gets here to watch Simon.

Hope everyone has a fab day! I'm hoping just to feel even a little better as the day progresses!

God Bless!  <3

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