...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Its a Monday.

330 am wake up. Just feeling horrible. Another, morning start with the nausea and stomach pains, aches, and this odd hot/cold sensation that kind of rolls over your body here and there. I think a lot of it is the steroid i.v. given during the chemo that wears off after a few days. I was hoping that today would start to improve and my "good days" that I'm told I will get each week were on their way! Maybe it will still come. ;)  I read stories and blogs on different cancers and different treatments and wonder how so many people find the strength to fight, some for years at a time with chemo! I guess different chemo treatments have different side effects for each person. Hoping that they have more success than I've been feeling. Although this one isn't as debilitating as the first, I do wonder when some of the side effects will lesson or at least my body will adjust and I will feel less sick.

Last night was fairly uneventful. I managed to get a little baked potato with some bling on it to stay in and also a little chicken noodle soup earlier in the day. After morning cleanup of toys and kitchen and construction  debris I spent the remainder of the day laying around. Bathroom is ready to use and the tub was looking so inviting! But I just couldn't manage enough strength to try it! I'm hoping today, when Simon goes to swimming lessons with grammy that I can muster up some strength to get to it. I'm itching to bling it up with some other little things in there, but thinking that it more than likely isn't going to happen unless it's online shopping. And I'd love to get the walls and other areas all wiped down and perked up, but again that's a whole bunch to ask this body during chemo! Maybe as the week progresses I will start to feel better. Surely. lol

Well, off to make a nice strong cup of tea. Maybe a little caffeine will kick in the pain and 4 different belly meds and I can have a good morning!

Big plan today, is to feel well enough, that once baby is off with grammy I can try out that new tub! Crossing my fingers!

And to everyone else, I hope you feel your blessings and your Monday feels like a Friday! It is a short week for many!

God Bless!

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