...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Stay upbeat, stay upbeat....yes, talking to myself! :)  Day 2 new antibiotic. I find myself really hoping some of this yucky feeling is just MRSA related and is going to disappear along with it!

Have to drink a lot of water with this new antibiotic but trying to watch my intake. My sodium runs low and the water doesn't help. I've always been big water drinker, but the problem is that it flushes out the sodium so quick. I passed out when pregnant with Simon from it, and yesterday felt sooo woozy all day, I know I have to be careful!

Focusing on keeping August plans in my mind. Lots of fun stuff to try and go to. My favorite month! lol  We have our Moose club picnic Saturday. Hoping to make at least the 2nd half of it for Simon. So many good people there that are so supportive of my family. They keep me going too! I have been having some "good feeling times" throughout the day off and on yesterday and praying it continues. Other than this blog I think I do a pretty good job staying smiling. I waited a bit this a.m. to write so I am not feeling to bad right now. Legs are tingly and numb but it usually passes in an hour or two! So far so good!  I want to be one of these ladies that did my same chemo that felt a little better. :) My goal!

I don't know WHAT I was thinking last night posting a public invitation to try and do a brunch this morning on my face book. lol Simon has plans and I thought it would be nice to see some girls and have a bite to eat but now I'm nervous that I won't be up to it! Good news, most busy, except one! And Kelly, would probably come visit with me here at home if I can't!  Must think before post next time!

On a good note, I had a friend deliver some wood for my deck fire pit. We've always used the clean burn logs from Walmart to have a little fire on occasssion, but I wanted a chemical free fire to roast some marshmellows with Simon. He has never had one! So I am really looking forward to that! I love sitting on the deck at night with him on my swing and him telling me stories. <3 Last night we sat and he told me all the things that he could see in the clouds. Such an imagination he has! Truly my best time of the day!

Time for tea refill. I'm already water logged so I'm switching. Have a blessed day!

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