...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Can I Quit cancer? ;)

Can I quit cancer? It's too hard emotionally and physically and the mental part is exhausting. I've never been a quitter but this is rough and no fun at all. :)  I won't quit. I never do. Just a passing thought that I wanted to share. By next week, I will know new chemo process and will have some of my house back together and a usable bathroom, so lets fast forward a week, can't we?  I'd REALLY like to fast forward 6 mths...but lets not get greedy!

From what I can recall, I have terrible time remembering things, its blood work starting at 8 am.
I.V. in port first then:

Hour of iron.
Hour of steroids.
Half hour anti nausea.
Hour and half of  Herceptin
Hour and half of Taxol.
Hour of Carboplatin.
Hour of fluids to watch the effects of it all.
And another B12 shot.

Iron and B12 shot for x 6wks. The other fun stuff is  x 15 weeks.

I'm tired just be thinking about it.

Done whining now. God Bless everyone for a good and healthy day. <3


  1. Praying that the new regimen has more tolerable side effects. I'm pretty excited about your bathroom makeover too ... I may need to test it out just to make sure it's all working a-okay for ya! haha! See you in the way too early to get moving a.m. :) Love you!

  2. :) u can sleep in i and i go alone... im a big girl...ok not so much ! lol
