...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Oh, what a night.

Made a trip to the E.R. to see what was up with fever and sore throat and headache and body and muscles....  Labs looked ok except waiting on a couple that take 24 to 48 hours. They think its a sinus infection maybe, or viral infection if the labs look ok. :) That actually made me happy. I was really hoping that I have some infection somewhere that is causing the pain vs. this is the normal cancer/chemo/Neulasta shot pain. So cheers to this being a viral infection! (fingers crossed)

Still unable to eat.  :/ day 4 of eating and it runs right thru me. Mom brought over some Ensure to try too this am, and it lasted almost half hour. I feel like the pain and weakness is lack of nutrients being able to stay in there long enough! Tomorrow is more blood work, so while I'm there, I am going to see if they can switch up my meds for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Grasping at straws to feel good!

And I looked up my Neulasta shot. The side effects are awefull and there is  a list of whom is a good candidate for this shot. I'm not anywhere near that list! And they are not doing blood work before they give it to me! Sooooo I have decided no more shots, unless they check blood first to see if I need it. Seems senseless to add on something that may or may not be needed.

As for the rest of the day, its gorgeous out there, maybe some storms coming thru this evening though. Good sleeping weather!!  Simon is busy watching the neighbor cutting his grass, lol, the highlight of his day, is watching mowers and lawn tractors!  Can't even suggest a nap for him till those mowers are done! He'd have heart failure!

Almost 1 pm and my body is rebelling again!  Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine!!!  Happy thoughts!!!  

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