...my breast cancer story.

The ups and downs of my breast cancer story.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Whoops, blind sided.

Well, day started out not so bad! But by afternoon, wow, the pain and misery. Yikes! Took me till about 3 hours ago to recall my doctor telling me that this chemo cycle of 21 days peaked about halfway through.....I really didn't think much of it at that time. Then BAM it hit. Muscles, head, bones, throat (again) there's not a spot on me that doesn't throb or hurt in some manner. :(  tough girl is hiding, and wimp is winning tonight!  My only solace is that this chemo route we are discontinuing after its run its course and doing the new one the next scheduled visit. So on the 27th a new one that she PROMISES will not be as over whelming with the nasty side effects as this. She assured me this is not normal to feel this bad, that I'm having an abnormal nasty reaction to it.  Therefore, we discontinue it and find one that is tolerable. To that I say THANK GOD. As tough as I am, I KNOW I can't do this one for 6 mths. :(   So enough about that!

Play a little online Texas Hold Em and wait and pray for sleep and relief. God Bless everyone!

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